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Breast Lift Case #1

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Weight: 120 lbs.

Height: 5’2”

This 30-year-old patient had gained a significant amount of weight and later lost it. This drastic change in body mass resulted in breasts that lacked fullness and sagged with a “deflated” appearance.

Another issue for the patient was the asymmetry of her breasts. One breast was a different size and shape than the other.

The patient’s goals for surgery were to achieve more symmetry and to improve the perkiness and fullness of her breasts overall. Ultimately, after discussing her options, we decided to go with a breast lift and a slight breast reduction on her left breast, which was slightly larger than her right breast. Finally, in order to increase the projection of her breasts, we performed an auto-augmentation using her own breast tissue.

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